1 to 1 running coaching / strength and conditioning sessions
Each session unless where stated or agreed otherwise with you will last for 1 hr.
Payment of 1 to 1 running coaching / strength and conditioning sessions is to be made in full on booking. Sessions will not be confirmed until payment has been made. All fees paid are non refundable. 24 hours minimum notice of cancellation / rearrangement of session is required from you for all appointments. Notices of less than 24 hours notice will incur full charge of the session fee.
We will endeavour to advise you as soon as possible in the event of the coach or trainer being unable to take the session due to injury or illness.
If you are late for a session, it will not be extended and will end at the appointed time.
If the coach / trainer is late, additional time will be added to the session or to subsequent sessions.
You are to complete to and return to us a Pre Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) without fail prior to the start of your session. You will not be allowed to take part in the session unless one has been completed and returned to us.
Our 1 to 1 running coaching / strength and conditioning sessions may be based at Stars Gym in Battersea, London. Whilst on their premises as a client of Full Potential Coaching, you are to abide by their club rules at all times.
All 1 to 1 sessions expire within 6 months of purchase.
Personal Coaching / Training Programs
It's in your interest to fill in any assessment or questionnaire as completely and truthfully as possible. Failure to fill in the questionnaire completely or truthfully may lead to an inefficient or even incorrect running program being assigned to you. Furthermore there could be delays in the service we are able to provide as a result. After receipt of your completed questionnaire, an assessment is made of your current running performance and your running goals. You will receive your running program within 3 working days.
If you are in any way unsatisfied with the coaching service, 1 to 1 session or training plan provided to you, you have the right to request a 100% refund within the first 14 days of your paid for service or product . Such request together with your reasons for requesting a refund should be sent to us via e mail info@fullpotential.co.uk. After 14 days of service, all fees paid are non refundable. This does not apply to UK & Overseas Training Camps.
Gift Vouchers
All gift vouchers purchased are strictly non refundable and expire 12 months after the original date of purchase.
UK & Overseas Training Camps
Your reservation is made once your booking form, deposit or full payment is received. We will confirm your reservation on receipt of your booking form and payment. Provisional reservations may also be made and will be held for ten days, within which time the appropriate booking form and payment must be received otherwise you will lose your reservation.
Any balance due must be paid to Full Potential Coaching not less than 6 weeks before the departure date. If this payment is not received then the booking may be treated as cancelled.
After full payment has been received, the following cancellation fees will apply. Notice is to be made in writing to us at info@fullpotential.co.uk
28 - 54 days before the departure date 50 pct
14 - 27 days before 75 pct
14 days before 100 pct
After 14 days before your overseas trip is due to start, all fees paid are strictly non refundable.
Full Potential Coaching is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal items nor for any personal accident, sickness or injury. You are strongly advised to take out personal insurance against cancellation charges, loss, sickness or injury. It is your responsibility to organise your own personal travel (when stated by us), health insurance and to ensure you have a valid passport (if necessary) for your trip.
You should have a clean bill of health before travelling / joining your camp and not be suffering from any illness or injury. If in any doubt, you should seek qualified medical advice from your GP. If you are vomiting or suffer diarrhoea within 48 hrs of the start of your booked training camp, you should not join the training camp until you've had a period of 48 hrs free from it. If you are vomiting or suffer diarrhoea during your training camp, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the training camp to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the other attendees / our coaching team. In multiple instances of vomiting or diarrhoea, we reserve the right to end the camp at anytime to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the other attendees / our coaching team. Should either of these events happen, no refunds will be due nor will Full Potential Coaching be liable for any personal loss, costs or consequences as a result.
Algarve Training Camp Competitions
One entry is allowed per person.
You entry must include your full name, email address and telephone number.
Entries must be received by the closing date stated within the competition details. Any entries received after this date will be not be entered.
The winner will be notified by e mail and acceptance of the place on the camp must be received in writing within 7 working days. If acceptance is not received within this time frame, the place may be offered to another competition entrant.
The camp director's decision is final.
The prize does not include the cost of transport to/from the camp or any other costs incurred by the winner to attend camp.
The winner will be asked to write for use only on Full Potential social media (Facebook/Twitter), website and any marketing promotional literature alongside their photograph:
Their comments about winning and comments on their training pre-camp
Their comments and feedback following the camp
No cash alternative.
Medical Waiver & Safety
By taking part in any of Full Potential Coaching's fitness services, training days, trips or following any of our training programs, you;
• Confirm that you are in good health and capable of participating in a running training program for the purpose of improving your fitness and reaching your goals.
• Understand and accept the risks of participating in any physical activity and have consulted a practicing medical physician to verify your ability to undertake a running and conditioning programme.
• Agree that no claims are to be made against Full Potential Coaching in case of injury, sickness, undeclared medical conditions / injuries or not achieving your performance goals.
• Agree to wear appropriate footwear and clothing at all times whilst taking part in physical activities.
The information provided on our website is not intended to be a substitute for qualified medical guidance. All information contained within the website is for informational purposes only. We recommend that you follow professional advice in preparing for strenuous sporting activities. Individuals should always seek qualified medical advice regarding injuries, rehabilitation or before commencing a training program.
All prices displayed on our website, publications or marketing literature are in GB Sterling and are inclusive of VAT where applicable.
This Liability section applies only to the extent permitted by law. For the avoidance of doubt, Full Potential Coaching do not exclude or limit any liability for (a) personal injury (including sickness and death) where such injury results from our negligence or wilful default, or that of Full Potential Coaching agents or subcontractors or (b) fraudulent misrepresentation.
Full Potential Coaching does not accept liability (except as set out below) for any errors and omissions and reserve the right to change information, specifications and descriptions of listed packages and services. Full Potential Coaching will do its best to correct errors and omissions as quickly as practicable after being notified of them.
Full Potential Coaching does not accept any liability whatsoever for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of data, loss of income or profit, loss of damage to property and/or loss from claims of third parties arising out of the use of the this website or services purchased from, through or by referral from Full Potential Coaching or any other damage howsoever caused.
Force Majeure
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these terms and conditions, Full Potential Coaching regret that we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by, or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss as a result of force majeure. In our terms and conditions, 'force majeure' means any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events may include (whether actual or threatened) war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, technical problems with transport, closure of airports, ports or airspace, changes of schedules by airlines, adverse weather conditions, epidemics, health risks and pandemics, fire, closed or congested airports or ports and all similar events outside our control or the control of our suppliers.
Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by English law without recourse to arbitration.
While the site attempts to be as accurate as possible, it should not be relied upon as being comprehensive or error-free. The website is under constant development and changes may be made in the articles and training programs at any time. Full Potential Coaching reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at anytime so users should review these periodically.
All runners / athletes receiving support, plans and advice from Full Potential Coaching as an event participant raising funds or running for the RNIB, the BHF, the NSPCC, Sense, Save the Children or Nestle are bound by these terms and conditions.
Please feel free to contact us via e mail info@fullpotential.co.uk if you have any questions regarding our terms and conditions.